Cabinet T&F

Things you need to know about copyright!

Things you need to know about copyright!

📌 The law provides that copyright protection exists by the sole fact of the author’s creation

📌 The fact that a creative work is not listed in the relevant registry, doesn’t necessarily means it is not protected by copyright

📌 Copyright registration is optional but will serves to prove your ownership in case of litigation

📌 Depending on the jurisdictions, there are some exceptions to copyright that allow limited use of the copyright without the permission of the copyright owner:
– non commercial or private use
– education and research
– library and archiving
– reporting on news etc

It is advisable to request assistance from a professional in order to determine whether an act comes under the scope of protection or exception in order to avoid disputes.

Please note the contents of this blog are given for information only and must not be relied upon. Legal advice should always be sought in relation to specific circumstances.

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