Cabinet T&F


Securing your trademark,patent or any other IP asset is good but having an intellectual property assets approach is indeed more benefit for companies of all size.
Among other things to consider in the context of international trade, it is important for you as an entrepreneur to check whether your trademark has an undesirable connotation or that your application for registration is likely to be rejected because of the trademark regulations in your country of interest.
Some opportunities that intellectual property offers. Having an Intellectual Property approach is an investment for your company .
The co-ownership of a brand does not lead to the equitable sharing of the fruits of the rights to use the said brand, insofar as each of the co-owners has the possibility of acting on their own account (use of the brand, action in infringement, non-exclusive license grant).
In intellectual property, we distinguish among other objects: the trademark, the industrial design or model, the patent (invention).
Lab notebooks often serve as the cradle of incredible ideas. It creates the essential evidence trail to protect your valuable intellectual property. Well preserved, they can be used to prove the ownership of your creation in the event of a dispute.
If you have created a unique and tasty recipe that you want to protect, you can do so both as a trade secret and as a trademark. Alternatively, you may choose to disclose the making of your recipe in order to legitimately claim copyright. Ultimately, the choice will depend on the strategy adopted by your company.
If you have a patentable invention, it does not mean that you must absolutely patented it. There are indeed several ways to protect your invitation, trade secret is another option among others. We therefore advise you to carry out a cost / benefit analysis in order to choose the option that will best serve your interests.
Any fanciful alteration in the spelling, design, color, typeface or any special character of a trademark can contribute to making it generic. Since the law expressly indicates that a generic sign cannot be validly registered as a trademark, it is therefore recommended to use the mark in the form in which it was registered.
Le Saviez-vous? - Marque descriptive
???? Une #marque forte permet de distinguer les produits ou services d'une entreprise de ceux des concurrents et de promouvoir leur authenticité . ???? Il est donc important lors de la création de votre marque de vous assurer que le signe ne soit pas descriptif ou générique afin d'augmenter vos chances d'obtenir son enregistrement et réduire les possibilités de conflit avec les concurrents. Plus d'informations en matière de propriété intellectuelle à
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