There are many misconceptions about intellectual property that can cost your business:
1. IP is unsuited to smaller companies
Companies of all size are concerned by intellectual property since they innovate in their daily activities. It is thus important for them to ensure that another company will not take advantage of their innovation without authorization.
2. IP is too expensive
They are different ways to protect your innovation through intellectual property. Tradename and design for instance are more accessible and in some jurisdictions SMEs can benefit from funds in order to secure their innovations.
3- intellectual property is the exclusive concern of legal department
At different level, either you are in human ressources, marketing,R&D or legal department, you are concern by IP and you must play your role in order to optimise company ROI (return of investment).
4. Ideas can be patented
Idea are not patentable, only invention that are new, involved inventive steps and capable to industrial application.
5 – Getting IP rights entitles to global protection
IP rights are territorial so if you are interested to develop your business into different regions of the world you must apply for registration in each of them.
6. Ip right enforcement does not require any administrative procedure etc.
If you are owner of IP rights it is your responsibility to prevent any person who want to use your right without authorization; you will never receive notifications from an IP office that will let you know that an infringement is occurring into your region.
Find more details about intellectual property at