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Propriété Intellectuelle

The combined use of different intellectual property rights (IPRs)

The combined use of different intellectual property rights (IPRs)

Did you know that IPRS can be combined to provide a stronger protection over all the aspects of your creation or innovation?

For exemple: a startup specialized on design and manufacturing of car, will proceed in the following way, in order
to protect the specifics characteristics (appearance, manufacturing process,technology and trademark for exemple) of his new model of car :
– for the external appearance of the car, industrial design or copyright can be use
– their technology can be protected by patent
– any sign or logo that will help to distinguish this car from the one of the competitors can be registered as trademark
– the company process can be protected as a trade secrets.

With respect to your innovation or creation specificities it is possible to combine different IPRs so that your protection can be stronger.

It is thus advisable to be assisted by an expert who has already done it.
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Please note the contents of this blog are given for information only and must not be relied upon. Legal advice should always be sought in relation to specific circumstances.

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