Cabinet T&F

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Cabinet t & f

Propriété Intellectuelle

What are factors to take in consideration when choosing your company’s trademark?

What are factors to take in consideration when choosing your company’s trademark?

1. A good trademark should be easy to speak, spell, read, and remember.


2. It should not be identical to third-party trademark, already used and registered for the same line of business.

Eg: Cabinet-T&F +Logo For legal services

3. It should not be a merely description of the goods or services delivered by the company .

Eg. “Delicious Food of Andy” for a restaurant

4. It should not be contrary to public order and mortality .
Eg: la mafia

Keep in mind that your trademark non depending on its nature plays differents functions ( origin function , quality function, advertising function, emotional and psychological function) within your company.

Choose a name and logo that identify your business clearly and will protect it from competitors.

#intellectualproperty #trademark #business #competitiveadvantage #cabinetTF

Please note the contents of this blog are given for information only and must not be relied upon. Legal advice should always be sought in relation to specific circumstances.

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